in Bend Oregon

“Sleep-disordered breathing” is the medical term for snoring and/or sleep apnea. It refers to any type of breathing-related disruption that keeps you or a loved one from getting a good night’s sleep. If you or someone you know snores excessively, is restless at night, has airway obstructions during sleep, clenches the jaw or teeth at night, or wakes up feeling tired, it’s worthwhile to explore the possibility of sleep-disordered breathing.


Sleep-disordered breathing can cause much more than just annoying snoring. Sleep deprivation is a serious problem that can lead to major health problems. Sleep-disordered breathing occurs when the muscles used for breathing relax excessively during sleep, causing the airway to collapse in on itself and block oxygen from entering the lungs. The tongue and throat muscles may relax and sag down into the airway. Lack of oxygen during sleep compromises the ability to breathe and can make breathing loud and labored. The individual may briefly awake while gasping for air, but often will not remember it the next day.


Children and adults can suffer from sleep-disordered breathing. In children, enlarged tonsils and adenoids can cause this condition, as can a malocclusion of the teeth, a narrow jaw, and narrow nasal passages. In adults, loss of muscle tone during sleep can cause breathing and other sleep disorders. Sleep-disordered breathing can lead to sleepless, restless nights and a number of related problems. Lack of sleep can affect your physical health, mood, energy level, emotions, relationships, and happiness. If you’re experiencing these problems and don’t know why, a sleep study could lead to an answer.


The most serious sleep-disordered breathing condition is sleep apnea. Untreated sleep apnea can spell major trouble down the road. Over time, interruptions in oxygen supply during sleep can cause lack of oxygen in the blood. This can cause a dangerous spike in blood pressure. If left untreated, these spikes can culminate in major medical issues like stroke, hypertension, cardiopulmonary issues, and gastro-esophageal reflex. Your body is not getting the steady oxygen supply it needs, or the rest it needs to recover and prepare for the day ahead. Help from the experts at Contemporary Family Dentistry can change your life and protect your future.


To create an effective treatment plan for sleep-disordered breathing, we must first accurately diagnose the problem. Our team works with local sleep specialists, general physicians, and ENTs (Ear, Nose, and Throat doctors) to complete a comprehensive sleep study. During the study, we’ll conduct a total medical screening and assessment of the problem. Using this information, we can then develop an effective treatment plan.


We may recommend a continuous positive air pressure (CPAP) machine, which is the most common device for solving breathing-related sleep disorders. Wearing the CPAP (pictured above) at night creates air pressure that keeps the airways open and unobstructed at night. You can breathe normally with the CPAP, and it typically will not disturb sleep once you get used to the way it feels on your face.


Another potential remedy may be an oral device, or a small plastic guard that is similar to sports mouth guards or orthodontic retainers. These appliances can keep your throat open and unobstructed during sleep without the need for a mask covering the nose. There are currently more than 40 such appliances available for sleep apnea and breathing disorders. You can use am oral device alone or in combination with other treatment options, including general health and weight improvement, a CPAP machine, or surgery. Surgery to the soft palate, uvula, and tongue may be effective treatments for sleep disordered breathing. Start your journey toward healthier sleep by calling us!